Verse of the Day 6-29-13 Luke 23:34

Verse of the Day

Luke 23:34

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them,  for they do not know what they are doing.”


Forgiveness is the biggest punishment which we can give to someone who has wounded us a lot. Taking revenge and hurting them back will never provide a solution. I know, it is very difficult to forgive someone, since the things which they would have done are very worse, which cannot be forgiven at all.

But think about whether your sufferings, betrayal and wounding are more or less when compared to Jesus who was betrayed, suffered and wounded, when He came into this world for us.

Though He was crucified, at His last breath, He said “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” People don’t realize that, what they are doing is wrong, until we make them realize their mistake.

Revenge will only make them do more mistakes, but only forgiveness can give them a chance to revert back into a good life. Forgive them, give them some time to change, if not, stay away from them because you will be tempted to do the same sin, he did to you. Forgive as God taught us all…