Does Satan have a hold of your mind? Overcoming negative thinking.

Being positive with God’s love is the best way to live. It may not be the easiest. If it’s too easy, it’s not teaching and learning. Discipline in love and human kindness is a way of life, not just something to do. Thank you Mike for the assurance again of positive thinking. Rickspoems

Pastor Mike Says

We live in a very negative world, and not an easy world to live in. So to be positive may be quite a strain to you. But it’s not only the world that affects this, your temperament plays it’s part also. If you’re an extrovert you may have a bit of an edge on the introverts amongst us. And there’s one extrovert temperament (which Tim La Haye calls a ‘Sanguine’) who seem to be positive and happy nearly all the time!


Then some of us are negative in our attitude, seemingly independent of the world and independent of our temperament type. Is it just because we WANT to be? The standard ‘test’ for this, of course, is to ask whether the glass is half full or half empty. You answer will tend to show whether you are a basically positive or negative person.

I see the half-full glass as more than half full *broad grin!*, so now you…

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