Verse of the Day 1-6-13

“Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;” 1 Peter 1:13 KJV

8329 readiness

A state of preparedness for future needs or happenings, whether predictable or uncertain. God through Jesus Christ prepared all that was necessary for the salvation of sinners. God’s people are exhorted to be ready for warfare (physical and spiritual), death and the second coming of Jesus Christ. All humanity should be ready for future judgment.

God has prepared everything for the salvation of sinners

Mt 22:4 A wedding banquet is often used to portray the blessings of salvation and the gathering of Jesus Christ with the redeemed in heaven. See also Lk 14:16-171Pe 1:5

Exhortations to and descriptions of readiness for war

Against earthly enemies Joel 3:9-10 See also1Ki 20:121Ch 12:23-35,33-372Ch 25:5Jer 51:11-12Da 11:10

Against spiritual forces of evil Eph 6:11-18

God’s people should always be ready

To face temptation 1Pe 5:8 See also Ps 39:1;Mt 26:41 pp Mk 14:38 pp Lk 22:461Co 10:12

To face death 2Ki 20:1 pp Isa 38:1 See alsoGe 46:30Ac 21:13

To serve Eph 4:11-121Pe 1:13 See also Nu 8:111Sa 25:41Jn 9:42Co 8:192Co 9:2;2Ti 2:21Tit 3:1

To speak the truth 1Pe 3:15 See also Pr 22:17-18Jer 1:172Ti 4:2

For the second coming of Chirst 1Jn 2:28See also Mt 24:42-44,45-51 pp Lk 12:42-46;Mt 25:1-12,13Mk 13:33-37Lk 12:35-401Th 5:8Rev 3:11Rev 16:15Rev 19:7

All humanity should be ready for future judgment

Lk 12:47-48 This is one of many parables that Jesus Christ taught about his second coming and the need to be ready when he returns. See also Am 4:121Pe 4:5